
I'm Kashyap,

Web Developer.

Front End Developer / Webpage Designer / Freelancer

About Me

Recently connected with the web development industry. Currently a CS major student working as a freelance web developer.

Capable, well-organized, Person who is capable, well-organized, can solve problems, and is a good communicator. Fan of basketball, outdoor activities, TV shows.

Currently on my way to improving my web development skills.

image of my head


project one image


This is an optical character reader built with python and tesseract that is capable of recognizing character of English letters.

View here

project two image

Object Detection

This is a machine learning project that detects object you teach it to detect. Made with Tensorflow.

View here

comming soon

Scissor Paper Rock

This is a scissor paper rock game that has GUI made with python.

View here

comming soon

Project Four

This is a placeholder for my future projects.

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